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Anastasiu (AHK): between 500,000 – 700,000 people could benefit from “Kurzarbeit’ over the next  six months

Between 500,000 and 700,000 people could benefit from the Flexible work programme ‘Kurzarbeit’over the next six months and the costs could be 2.5 billion euro, stated on Friday the chairmanof the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK), Dragos Anastasiu withDigi 24.

 ‘I can’t tell you 100%, we have to see the final document. There is a explanatory note. We are  discussing abut 500,000 – 700,000 people who could benefrit over the next six months from this  measure. I told you that we have over 5 billion euro from the European community. As we see it, the figures included in the law will not lead to this sum of five billion, but somewhere to half of it, 2.5 billion euro. And this is the reason for which I think that depending on what is happening to the  pandemics, the measure could be extended by another six months, as we rely, exclusively on the loan from the European Union. So, we are discussing about 2.5 to 5 billion euro loans which Romania gets and may give back during many years from now on’ said Dragos Anastasiu when asked about the way this measure is applied in Romania.

 The government regulated on Friday through emergency ordnance the possibility to reduce worktime grant of allowances for day laborers and season laborers, as well as the encouragement for remote work according to a press release sent by the ministry of work.
