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CCIB and the Embassy of Pakistan in Romania, partners in the 15th edition of the

The foreign relations strategy of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) also provides for the priority approach to markets outside the European Union, especially in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and the development of economic and commercial relations with Pakistan represents a priority, declared the president of CCIB, Iuliu Stocklosa, at the opening of the 15th edition of the "Business Opportunities Day," dedicated to commercial-economic collaboration with this country.

According to a press release, the CCIB organized, in partnership with the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Romania, the 15th edition of the "Day of Business Opportunities".

"The foreign relations strategy of the Bucharest Chamber also foresees for the coming years the priority approach to markets outside the European Union, especially from Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and the development of economic and commercial relations with Pakistan, a country with a very high economic potential raised and to which we are bound by a long tradition, represents a priority for us. We chose Pakistan, encouraged not only by the interest in dialogue and cooperation shown by the leadership of the diplomatic mission of this country, but also by the consistent increase in Romanian-Pakistani commercial exchanges recorded in the last three years," said Stocklosa.

The main topics addressed were: the current situation and trends in foreign trade with Pakistan; the economic potential of this country; the fields in which cooperative projects can be developed; incentives and facilities in the commercial and customs field.

At the same time, the event was attended by Annamammet Annayev, the ambassador of Turkmenistan to Romania, as well as Emilian Ion, former ambassador of Romania to Pakistan, as well as senior diplomats from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

On December 31, 2022, Romanian-Pakistani trade reached a value of 245.2 million dollars (+98% compared to the previous year), of which Romanian exports amounted to 185.8 million dollars (+152.1%), and imports at 59.4 million dollars (+18.5%).

Both the total volume and its components, export and import, reached record values in 2022.

