Council of Europe renews European Diploma for Protected Areas of Danube Delta
The Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (ARBDD) in southeastern Tulcea announced, on Monday, that the members of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe have renewed, for the third time, the distinction of European protected area for the Reservation.
The European Diploma for Protected areas is one of the most prestigious distinctions in Europe, both due to the scientific criteria to be respected, as well as the continuous monitoring mechanism of their conformity and was granted on September 23, 2020 for ten years.
"The diploma was granted to the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve starting with 2000 because, through the wetlands that harbor an extremely diverse flora and fauna, it has a biological, landscape and cultural value special for Europe. On the occasion of the renewal of the distinction, the Council of Europe has formulated several recommendations, among them the inclusion in the Reservation's Management Plan currently under revision of the specific dispositions dedicated to climate change and the way to approach them in relation to long-term preservation of endemic species but also to the necessity of ensuring a basic budget for the ARBDD and increasing the number of employees of ARBDD to the maximum limit provided, in order to allow the authority to fulfill administrative tasks and obligations and the efficient management of activity," shows the announcement of the Tulcea County environment authority posted on its own page of social media.