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DefMin : Republic of Moldova, a vulnerable partner in Black Sea region

Support is still needed for Ukraine, but also for the Republic of Moldova, which is a vulnerable partner in the Black Sea region, said the minister of Defense, Angel Tilvar, at the Informal Meeting of the Ministers of Defense from the Member States of the European Union, in Toledo, Spain.

He emphasized the "importance of a broader strategic vision, which includes support for the most vulnerable partners in the Black Sea region", highlighting the situation of the Republic of Moldova. He also spoke about the training center for F-16 pilots, in Romania, facility that will be open to allied and partner states, including Ukraine.

Minister Tilvar highlighted Romania's participation in the missions and operations carried out under the auspices of the Common Security and Defense Policy, emphasizing in particular the significant contribution of our country to the EUFOR Althea operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On the sidelines of the meeting in Spain, the second meeting of the Steering Committee of the EU Satellite Center (EU SatCen) took place in the format of the Ministers of Defense, where minister Tilvar expressed Romania's firm support for the efforts to modernize the Center and increase its capacity to deliver satellite products and services, highlighting that EU SatCen is a valuable tool within the CSDP.

"I particularly appreciate the professionalism of the entire team, as well as the dedication of the director of the Center, Mr. Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, who in recent years coordinated the modernization process of SatCen. Romania will continue to firmly support these efforts and I trust that the good pace so far will be maintained," declared Tilvar.

