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DefMin Tilvar starts a visit to the US

National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar is starting, as of Thursday, a visit to the United States of America, alongside the Chief of Defence Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, and other officials, Romania's Embassy to the US informed.

According to the same source, the National Defence Ministry's (MApN) delegation will have meetings in Washington D.C. with Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin, General Mark Milley, who serves as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army Forces, as well as at the White House - the National Security Council.

Moreover, there are meetings scheduled with presidents of the Committee on Armed Services in the US Senate and House of Representatives, as well as with representatives of the US defence industry and from the strategic thinking and expertise area.

On the occasion of this visit, the Romanian delegation will mark the 30th anniversary since the establishment of the Strategic Partnership between the Romanian Armed Forces and the Alabama National Guard. The Romanian officials will travel to Alabama, where, between April 2 and 4, they will meet the governor of the state, the leadership of the Alabama National Guard, as well as the legislature and local environments. 
