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End-November government debt climbs to RON 557.886 bln, debt-to-GDP ratio at 48.7 pct

 The government debt as of end-November 2021 was RON 557.886 billion, up from RON 552.385 billion in the previous month, shows data centralized by the Finance Ministry and processed according to the EU methodology.

The government debt-to-GDP ratio was 48.7 percent at the end of November (48.2 percent of GDP at the end of October 2021).

The medium- and long-term debt stood at RON 536.067 billion, while the short-term debt was RON 21.819 billion.

Government securities account for the bulk of this amount - specifically RON 473.858 billion, while loans total RON 73.968 billion.

RON 257.288 billion of the government debt was in local currency, as much as RON 254.764 billion is denominated in euros and RON 44.289 billion is the equivalent of debt in US dollars.

At the end of November, the central public administration accounted for RON 541.823 billion of the public debt, of which RON 520.032 due in the medium and long term. The bulk of the central government debt is in euros (the equivalent of RON 250.794 billion) and in RON (245.198 billion).

The local public administration accounts for RON 16.062 billion of the government debt, with RON 16.034 billion in the medium and long term.

According to the Public Finance Ministry, the public administration's foreign debt was RON 283.947 billion (24.8 percent of GDP), of which the central public administration accounts for RON 279.292 billion and the local public administration for RON 4.654 billion. 
