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Environment Minister, Kenyan counterpart sign Memorandum of Understanding on environment

Environment Minister Mircea Fechet participated on Monday in Nairobi, together with his Kenyan counterpart Soipan Tuyala, in the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding in the area of environment, according to a post on the institution's Facebook page.

The official will participate in the activities organised on the sidelines of the state visit of the Romanian delegation led by President Klaus Iohannis, from November 13 to 14, 2023, in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, the post said.

According to the source, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests of Romania and the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry of the Republic of Kenya on Cooperation in the area of Environmental Protection and Climate Change aims to develop and promote cooperation in the field of environmental protection and climate change. The areas covered by the bilateral instrument address the most important topics on the international agenda, such as climate change resilience, sustainable forest management, the circular economy, best available technologies and early warning systems, including agro-meteorological services.

"The effects of climate change know no national boundaries and citizens are exposed to them, whether it is heat waves, drought destroying agricultural production, floods or threats to biodiversity. Romania faces a number of challenges in the field of environmental protection and combating climate change and is firmly committed to the international legal framework developed by the UN, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, where climate change is at the heart of the agenda. We need to consider nature-based solutions, encourage sustainable economic processes and provide public programmes aimed at stimulating economic development and social inclusion through the implementation of environmental measures in our countries," said Minister Mircea Fechet, following the signing of the Memorandum.

The document signed on Monday also aims to achieve important objectives: Strengthening international cooperation, taking into account that environmental issues are transboundary in nature, ensuring sustainable development for the protection of the environment as well as limiting climate change in the interest of health and well-being of present and future generations, economic development and a higher standard of living based on the principles of sustainable development and green growth, taking into account the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Thus, the two countries agreed to collaborate on: identifying measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including preparing for extreme weather events; biodiversity conservation, protected areas and ecosystem management; forest management, including the exchange of best practices in relation to monitoring activities and traceability of wood materials; sustainable forest management; education on climate change and environmental protection as well as any other areas of mutual interest.

Cooperation activities under the Memorandum of Understanding may include: exchange of experience, know-how, best practices, technical and scientific information and data, training sessions, meetings and workshops, support for international projects to address regional and global environmental problems and any other forms of cooperation which can be decided by mutual agreement, the Environment Ministry's post also says.

