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European parliamentary elections /Exit-poll CURS-Avangarde, 22:00: PSD PNL - 53%, AUR -15%, ADU -11%


The list of candidates of the PSD-PNL coalition in the European parliamentary elections received 53% of votes, while the AUR candidates obtained 15% of the votes, and those of the United Right Alliance (ADU) - 11 %, according to the results of the exit poll conducted by CURS-Avangarde, the data being valid for centralization from 22:00.

Also, the Hungarian Democratic Union in Romania obtained 5%.

According to the research, the S.O.S. Party Romania obtained 4%, the Renew the European Project of Romania Party (REPER) - 3%, the Humanist Social Liberal Party (PUSL) - 3%, independent candidates - 4%, and the other parties 2%.

The data are valid for 22:00, when the polls close.
