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Gold price higher on Tuesday – 336.2958 lei/gram. Leu depreciates against euro and USD

A gram of gold got more expensive on Tuesday with 2.9124 lei (0.87%) to a quotation of 336.2958 lei from 333.3834 lei, as announced by BNR the previous day, thus recording a new record value.


The national currency depreciated on Tuesday, against the euro, which was calculated by BNR at 4.9705 lei, growing by 0.05 bani (0.01%) compared to the previous quotation of 4.9700 lei.


Compared to the US dollar, the leu dropped, the US dollar being quoted at 4.6276 lei, on the rise by 2.02 bani (0.44%), compared to the previous session when it was 4.6074 lei.


In exchange, the national currency appreciated against the Swiss franc, calculated by BNR at 5.0930 lei, on the drop by 1.94 bani (-0.38%), compared to 5.1124 lei, the previous quotation.
