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In 2017, over 15,380 cases of abuses, neglect and child exploitation

National Authority for Child Rights Protection and Adoption (ANPDCA) registered in 2017, 15,386 cases of abuse, neglect and child exploitation, of which 6,758 in the urban area, and 8,628 in the rural area.

According to ANPDCA statistics, most of these cases involved neglect - 11,129, of which 6,348 where in the rural area. 7,253 cases were closed in 2017, and in 174 such cases the criminal prosecution of those responsible was initiated.

In the mentioned period, as many as 1,235 cases of physical abuse, 1,736 of emotional abuse and 762 cases of sexual abuse were recorded. In addition, there were also 356 cases of forced labor, 55 of sexual exploitation and 113 of exploitation to commit crimes.
Furthermore, from January to December 2017, the General Directorate for Social Work and Child Protection placed 2,625 children under foster care, and 301 children were urgently placed into foster care, through court order.

Overall, in 905 of these cases criminal prosecution of the offender was started, of which 215 cases for physical abuse, 92 for emotional abuse, 367 for sexual abuse, 174 for neglect, 14 for forced labor, 18 for sexual exploitation and 25 for exploitation to commit crimes.
