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In Brussels, Minister Odobescu underscores need for Ukraine receiving quick military assistance

Attending on Monday the Foreign Affairs Council (CAE) meeting in Brussels, Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu emphasized the importance of Ukraine receiving quick military assistance through the implementation of the Assistance Fund for Ukraine - part of the European Peace Fund (EPF).

According to a statement of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Romanian top diplomat underscored the importance of the fast adoption of the 14th package of EU sanctions against Russia, and also expressed support for the creation of a new regime of sanctions for Russia's hybrid actions, condemning its recent unacceptable provocations against several EU member states in the Baltic Sea region. The Romanian official cautioned against Russia's hybrid attacks on the Republic of Moldova, which generate significant vulnerabilities, particularly in the context of the neighboring country's electoral processes.

Also, Odobescu emphasized the need to continue and strengthen support for Ukraine and condemned Russia's intense and repeated attacks on Ukraine's civil and energy infrastructure, affirming Romania's willingness to continue providing bilateral support to the war-embattled country.

The foreign minister also reiterated Romania's support for the European path of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova and the organization of the first intergovernmental conferences until the end of June 2024. Regarding President Zelensky's Peace Formula, she emphasized the importance of coordination, both Europe-wide as well as with global partners, in order to ensure the success of the peace conference in Switzerland in June.

The agenda of the meeting included a debate on Russia's aggression against Ukraine - with the participation via video conference of Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmitro Kuleba, as well as developments in the Middle East, which were also approached in an informal exchange of views between European ministers with their counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and with the Secretary- General of the League of Arab States. The Romanian minister welcomed the role of the states in the region in maintaining regional stability, de-escalating the security situation and mediation, as well as in facilitating the provision of urgent humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza.

The Romanian foreign minister emphasized the need to solve the crisis in Gaza by continuing efforts for the release of all hostages, without preconditions, the ceasefire, the provision of comprehensive humanitarian assistance and the resumption of the political process that will lead to a lasting peace, based on the two-state solution, in coordination with the US, the UK, and regional partners. Odobescu reaffirmed Romania's constant commitment to improving the humanitarian situation and mentioned the dispatch of a new humanitarian assistance transport to Gaza through the humanitarian corridor in Cyprus.
