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Marcel Ciolacu, re-elected PSD chair, validated as party's candidate for presidential elections

Delegates at the ordinary Social Democratic Party (PSD) Congress re-elected by secret electronic ballot on Saturday. Marcel Ciolacu as chairman of the Social Democratic Party and validated his candidacy for the presidential elections.

Besides Marcel Ciolacu, the other members of the new PSD leadership were elected by the 2,253 delegates who voted 'in favour' at the congress, out of a total of 2,380 delegates convened at the congress, as follows: secretary general - Paul Stanescu, president of the National Council - Mihai Tudose; first deputy chairs - Sorin Grindeanu, Daniel Baluta; deputy chairs by areas - Florin Jianu - Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Business Environment; Lia Olguta Vasilescu - Labour and Social Protection; Gheorghe Soldan - Regional and Local Development; Gabriel Zetea - Administration and Infrastructure; Vasile Dincu - European Affairs; Victoria Stoiciu - Relations with NGOs and Civic Dialogue; Mihnea Costoiu - Education and Research; Elisabeta Lipa - Sport.

A number of 2,257 delegates voted at the congress in favour of Marcel Ciolacu's validation as the PSD candidate for the presidential elections. 

