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NATO's Geoana: Pieces of drone discovered on Romanian territory are incidents, not deliberate attacks

The NATO deputy secretary general Mircea Geoana, considers that the pieces of the drone discovered on Romanian territory are part of the category of incidents, not deliberate attacks.

He stated, in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, that there is a possibility that such situations will occur again, but he emphasized that there is no information according to which Russia would deliberately attack allied territory, and NATO continues to take measures to strengthen the protection of allied territory, including that of Romania.

"We don't see any intention on the part of Russia to trigger something against NATO, and the deterrence we show through this collective force is the best defense. We do not have before us a deliberate attack against an allied state, in this case Romania. It is very important to draw this line of demarcation. Incidents, accidents can happen, they have happened before, they may happen again in the future, but we do not have in front of us a deliberate attack by the Russian Federation against the territory of an allied state," said the NATO high official.

"We are in permanent contact with our Romanian ally. The Romanian ambassador to NATO made a complete briefing to the allies yesterday and we are in permanent contact with the political and military leadership of Romania. The secretary general had a telephone conversation with president Iohannis," Mircea Geoana added.



Friday, September 15, 2023