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Parliament: 326 deputy mandates validated

The specially constituted committee validated on Tuesday the mandates of 326 deputies and postponed the validation of three deputies who didn't bring all the necessary papers.

"The Validation Committee has validated the mandates of 326 deputies. It has been established that they (the deputies—e.n.) satisfy the legal conditions for validation. The mandates of three colleagues were postponed, namely two from Prahova and one belonging to national minorities. The Validation Committee continues its activity throughout these four years, and regarding the ones of whose validation was postponed they will have to bring from the organization — two of from the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the third from the Minorities—the necessary papers in order to be validated," President of the Validation Committee Florin Iordache explained.

Liviu Dragnea's mandate, which was challenged by the Liberals is among the validated mandates.

Andreea Cosma and Razvan Ioan Ursu from the PSD Prahova, as well as the Ukrainians Association representative are the ones of whose mandates were postponed.

The common report of the committee gathered 21 votes "in favor" and 9 "against."

Deputy of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Gabriel Andronache requested that the proposals of invalidating Liviu Dragnea's mandate and the ones which were postponed to be individually discussed.

The Validation Committee Report will be put to vote on Wednesday in the plenary meeting of the Deputies' Chamber.
