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PM Ciolacu: First joint meeting of Romania's and Turkey's gov'ts to bring our states closer

The first joint meeting of the Governments of Romania and Turkey represents a big step forward, a step that will bring the two states even closer strategically, economically and socially, said prime minister Marcel Ciolacu.

"With certainty, today we are witnessing the most important moment in the relationship between Romania and Turkey since the establishment of the Strategic Partnership between our countries in 2011. And I say this because by formalizing the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council we were able, practically, to organize the first joint government meeting between Romania and Turkey. It is a big step forward, a step that will bring our states and nations even closer, strategically, economically and socially. I would like to congratulate Mr president Erdogan for this initiative!" said Marcel Ciolacu during the statements made together with president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, at the end of the official meetings that took place at the Presidential Palace in Ankara.

He declared himself honored that thus Romania gets its well-deserved place and is officially recognized as "a country of main interest" for Turkey.

In this context, the prime minister thanked President Erdogan for the "special gesture" he made towards the Romanian citizens regarding the travel regime.

"Through today's decision, Romanians who want to travel to Turkey will be able to do so only with the ID, no longer needing a passport. We know very well that many Romanians prefer Turkey as a tourist destination and I think this will help a lot", stated Ciolacu.

The prime minister also mentioned another very important decision agreed with the Turkish side, with impact for Romanian farmers, regarding the resumption of exports and transit of meat and live animals to Turkey.

"Last year we surpassed $10 billion in trade, but together we set an ambitious goal of $15 billion to cross in the coming years. And we can only do this if we continue to we encourage the presence of Turkish companies on the Romanian market, mirroring a more solid representation of Romanian companies in Turkey", said Ciolacu.
