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PM Ciolacu to go to Kyiv with a team of ministers to discuss Ukrainian grains going through Romania

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Friday stated, in Buzau, that he will make a trip to Kyiv together with several ministers to conclude discussions regarding the export of Ukrainian grains through Romania.

"I am going to have a trip with several ministers to Kyiv, and I think we will be able to conclude all the discussions regarding the export on Ukrainian grains through Romania. At this point, what was negotiated by the minister is very clear and I am firmly convinced that he will give you all the details," stated Ciolacu.

He added that he talks daily with the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

"I, at least, have a daily dialogue with the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the European Commission. I also thank the Minister of Agriculture from Romania, who has a dialogue with his counterpart every day, the Minister of Economy who has a dialogue with his counterpart from Ukraine every day, the Commission European Union, to Mrs. President Ursula in the first place, who supported us a lot in this endeavour, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and to Mrs. Ambassador from Brussels. We also had a government decision in this respect and, three days ago, the licensing system requested by Romania was approved. First of all, for 30 days there will be no export through the Romanian territory. I also discuss with the customs authorities every day on this topic and I know that no one asked to export anything through the Romanian territory. So the Ukrainian side kept its word," said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu.

The head of the government also spoke about the double licensing system regarding grain export.

"We are going to make a memorandum in these 30 days and a double licensing system both on the territory of Ukraine and on the territory of Romania.There can be no exports through Romania by using intermediaries and traders. The export will be directly to the processors, if they want to import from Ukraine, with a very clear ANSVSA control system, even with more samples than before and really a very applied discussion regarding the transit. And I should say that I would like to use more the railway and the Danube. I am going to have a trip to Varna, to continue the dialogue with the Prime Minister of Greece, and with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova and with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria," Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu also specified.

In May, the European Commission allowed Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia to ban domestic sales of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds from Ukraine, while allowing the transit of these goods for export elsewhere.

On September 15, the EU executive put an end to the ban introduced by the five EU member states on Ukrainian grain imports, in exchange for commitments from Kyiv that it will take measures to control the flow of grains to neighbouring countries.

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that solutions have been found for the management of Ukrainian grain exports, namely the creation of an authorization system, so that Romanian farmers are not affected. 
