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President Basescu invites parliamentary parties to Cotroceni

President Traian Basescu invited the political parties and groups represented in Parliament to a discussion on several priority questions on Monday, 3 pm, at the Cotroceni Palace.

According to the invitation the Presidential Administration sent on December 9, the subjects that were to be debated during the meeting with the Head of State are the economic and social prospects of 2011 and 2012, questions connected to Romania's access to the Schengen area and the legislative priorities till the end of 2010.

From among the opposition groups the only party that clearly stated its not attending the consultations initiated by the Head of State was the National Liberal Party (PNL), whereas the Social Democratic Party and the Conservative Party said they would make the decision officially on Monday during the meeting of their managing bodies.

The parties to take the invitation of President Traian Basescu will be the groups in the ruling coalition, namely the Democratic Liberal Party, the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania, the National Union for Romania's Progress, but also the representatives of the national minorities different from the Hungarian one.

PNL not attending, PSD and PC deciding on Monday

Romanian Social Democratic Party leader Victor Ponta said Friday his party will not participate in consultations with President Traian Basescu on Monday at the presidential palace, adding Basescu can no longer be considered head of state, but merely the head of the ruling Democratic Liberal Party.
"If (the president, e.n.) wants to hold real talks with us, as he once did, (…) he can summon us separately (…) Unfortunately, it's been a while since Traian Basescu ceased to be Romania's president. He is only the Democratic Liberal Party head, and we are not willing to participate in any discussions with the PDL leader," said Ponta.Social Democratic Party spokesman Radu Moldovan told MEDIAFAX Thursday social democrats will decide in a meeting Monday whether they will accept the president's invitation for talks.

The previous meeting Basescu had at the presidential palace with parliamentary parties was on November 2 and targeted conclusions of the European Council, Romania's agreement with the International Monetary Fund and Schengen areas accession.Opposition parties declined that invitation and talks were held with just parties from the ruling coalition.
