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President Iohannis: I firmly condemn Russia's attacks against Ukrainian civilian infrastructure on Danube, very close to Romania

President Klaus Iohannis "firmly" condemns the recent attacks by Russia against Ukraine, on the Danube, near the border with Romania.

"I strongly condemn Russia's recent attacks against Ukrainian civilian infrastructure on the Danube, which is very close to Romania. This escalation, which took place recently, presents a serious risk in terms of security on the Black Sea. It also affects the transit of grain from Ukraine in the near future and implicitly global food security," the Romanian president said on Twitter on Monday.


Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu also slammed Russia for its military strikes on Ukrainian civilian targets and critical infrastructure, calling on the Russian Federation to put an end to its attacks on the Ukrainian port infrastructure.

"These actions continue the series of the Russian forces' air strikes on civilian targets in the region of Odessa, and which intensified after the Russian Federation's unilateral decision to suspend its participation in the Black Sea Grains Initiative. We call on the Russian Federation to cease its air attacks on the Ukrainian port infrastructure. Zeroing in on of port infrastructure targets is further evidence of the Russian Federation's intention to undermine Ukrainian grain exports to global markets, seriously damaging world food security and thus endangering lots of people. The deterioration of the global food security represents one of the multiple consequences of the war of aggression launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Romania will continue to support Ukraine in order to identify practical solutions for the continuation of additional grain exports to global markets," Prime Minister Ciolacu said, as cited in a release. 
