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President Iohannis: We have informed NATO allies about the discovery of probably drone components

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that NATO allies were informed about the discovery of some components that, very likely, belong to a drone.

"In the situation we are in, in the war situation on our border, we have to understand that we have a fluid situation, as the experts say. Today, we have a different situation than yesterday. All our communication has been done in good faith and based on evidence that we had at our disposal. We cannot make statements that engage the Romanian state based on assumptions. We must have evidence for this. The Ministry of Defence informed me - and I am convinced that in good faith - that there are no such pieces and that was the communication we made public. In the meantime, the situation changed, such pieces have appeared, so we ordered quick, professional verifications, after which we will take the next steps. In the meantime, we have informed our NATO allies," said the head of state, after the summit of the Three Seas Initiative (I3M), in a joint press conference with the presidents of Poland and Lithuania and the prime minister of Croatia.

He showed that Romania's ambassador to NATO, Danut Sebastian Neculaescu, was tasked with informing the general secretary of NATO and the allies about the possible incident.

"Our ambassador to NATO was tasked, first of all, to inform the secretary general, secondly to inform the allies, which happened this very morning, when our ambassador to the North Atlantic Council officially informed all allies of the possible incident and the fact that components have been found that very likely belong to the drone. This is where we are at the moment and as the investigation brings new evidence, we can take the next steps and communicate everything that it can be found," Iohannis said. 



Thursday, September 7, 2023