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President Klaus Iohannis: Romanian authorities are closely monitoring developments in Russia

The Romanian authorities are closely monitoring developments in Russia, President Klaus Iohannis said on Saturday.

"The Romanian authorities are closely monitoring developments in Russia. I am constantly informed about developments. We are in constant contact with our allies," the Romanian President said in a Twitter post, which was taken up on the Facebook page of the Romanian Presidential Administration.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner paramilitary group, said on Saturday that he had entered Russia with his troops with the aim of overthrowing military rule, saying he was "ready to die" with his 25,000 men to "liberate the Russian people".

The Russian Office of Prosecutor General announced the opening of an investigation for "sedition" against Prigozhin, who rebelled after accusing the army of bombing his men.

Authorities have tightened security measures in Moscow and several other Russian regions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared on Russian television on Saturday morning and accused the Wagner group of treason, saying that all those taking part in the military uprising would be punished. 
