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ProAgro: The strategic dialogue launched by the EC president is necessary and important in the context of the European Green Pact


The strategic dialogue regarding the future of agriculture, launched by the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, is a necessary action, useful for the period to come, as well as a very important one in the context of the European Green Pact, which brought many influences in the present Common Agricultural Policy, considers Marius Micu, vice-president of the National Federation Pro Agro and Copa-Cogeca, the largest organization of farmers and agricultural cooperations in the European Union.

He added that through this strategic dialogue can be found a balance between the environment and climate objectives and the real situation which is faced at the level of Europe from an economic point of view.

‘If we have a look at the real situation of today and refer to the war in Ukraine, it is clear that the market is affected by the transit of agricultural produce in the neighbouring countries to Ukraine, as well as by imports in all member states of the European Union. There are some basic themes, I would say, that this strategic dialogue should start from or bring solutions to them’ said the Pro Agro vice-president said.

According to him, this strategic dialogue is useful as at European level there are discussions about Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, a country with a considerable agricultural surface, and this must be taken into consideration as it would lead to an impact as regards the Common Agricultural Policy.

On the other hand, he expressed his concern that this action may turn into another Pact with even more ambitious objectives which may turn into ‘even tougher conditionality for farmers’.

Last but not least, the vice-president Pro Agro considered that he wanted this dialogue launched at European level may be harmonized at national level, under the format of a strategy which could contain ’some very important points for development in agriculture for Romania’, a strategy assumed by the professional associations and all political parties.
