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Protection measures on Romania national territory in immediate vicinity of the conflict zone in Ukraine

 Romania adopts protection measures on the national territory in the immediate vicinity of the conflict zone in Ukraine, an information from the National Committee for Emergency Situations reads.

In a meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, a decision was adopted implementing measures to warn Romanian citizens in the border area with Ukraine.

The decision takes into account the recent recorded events and the current geopolitical context determined by Russia's military conflict over Ukraine, which generated recent and repeated attacks on the Ukrainian ports of Reni and Ismail, located in close proximity to the borders with Romania.

According to the decision adopted by the CNSU, the Ministry of National Defense is authorized to evaluate and establish the areas on the territory of Romania, adjacent to the Reni and Ismail conflict areas, where specific measures for the protection of the population are instituted (art. 1).

"In the areas established under the conditions of art. 1, the county committees for emergency situations have measures for informing the population, identifying the spaces that can be used for shelter and ensuring the permanence at the headquarters of the local public authorities, the places of action of the means of alarm. The inspectorates for emergency situations in the counties where zones are established under the conditions of art. 1 ensure the information of the population regarding the manner of behaviour and action, the verification and release of all spaces intended for public shelters, as well as the identification of other spaces that can be used for the protection of the population," the CNSU decision reads.

Also, according to the document, the Ministry of National Defense erects population protection spaces at the level of Plauru and Ceatalchioi localities, as well as at the level of other localities with a small and very small number of inhabitants, established at the level of the county committees for emergency situations.

"In the event of the risk of falling of some elements belonging to the means of combat used in the conflict, the Ministry of National Defense notifies the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations regarding the specific area potentially affected. In the communicated areas, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations is empowered to issue warning and alarm messages to the population through the RO-ALERT system and/or the means of alarming at the level of local public authorities. In the areas provided for in art. 1, without GSM coverage or not covered by means of alarm, the inspectorates for emergency situations deploy crews that ensure the warning/alarming of the population, based on the data transmitted by the dispatchers through the radio communication systems, using the mobile means of warning or communication," the CNSU decision reads.




Monday, September 11, 2023