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Romania supports relaunch of Middle East peace negotiations based on the two-state solution

Romania supports efforts to relaunch peace negotiations based on the two-state solution, at the same time as those on the release of all hostages and humanitarian support for the population of Gaza in a difficult situation, foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu said at the ministerial meeting co-organised Sunday in Brussels by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Norway, informs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) on Monday.

In the context of the meeting's focus "Efforts to implement the two-state solution, including the issue of recognition", minister Odobescu recalled that Romania has recognised Palestine since 1988 and has actively supported efforts aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the two-state solution, the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine, which would co-exist in peace and security within secure and recognised borders.

