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Romania to receive EUR 33.9 million following damage caused by severe 2022 drought

 On Wednesday, the European Parliament approved nearly EUR 455 million in EU Solidarity Fund aid in response to recent natural disasters in Romania, Italy and Turkey.

According to a press statement released by the European Parliament on Wednesday, Romania will get EUR 33.9 million following damage caused by severe 2022 drought; Italy will get EUR 20.9 million for the damage caused by the September 2022 flooding in the Marche region, and Turkey will receive EUR 400 million following two major earthquakes in February 2023.

MEPs express their "deepest solidarity with all the victims, their families and all the individuals affected" by the natural disasters in Romania, Italy and Turkey. They point to the "increasing number of severe and destructive natural disasters in Europe," and stress that "due to climate change extreme weather events such as those observed in Romania and Italy resulting in emergencies are going to further intensify and multiply." The EU should therefore "strengthen its efforts to tackle climate change both in the Union and globally."

The European Commission has proposed to use the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to grant financial assistance of EUR 454,835,030to the three countries. EUSF assistance will cover parts of the costs of emergency and recovery operations like repairing damaged infrastructure, securing preventive infrastructure and the protection of cultural heritage, as well as clean-up operations

Under the fund's rules, emergency and recovery operations may be financed by the EUSF retroactively from day one of a disaster.

The aid package was approved by 593 votes in favour, 11 votes against and 22 abstentions. The European Council has already approved the aid on 18 September.

