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Simona Bucura-Oprescu and Natalia Intotero - proposed for Labour and Family portfolios

The National Political Council of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) decided on Monday, by vote, to propose Simona Bucura-Oprescu for the position of Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity and Natalia Intotero for the position of Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities.

"We voted in the National Political Council to nominate two colleagues for the Ministry of Labour and for the Ministry of Family in the person of Mrs. Bucura-Oprescu for the Ministry of Labour and Mrs Natalia Intotero for the Ministry of Youth and Family. (...) There are two ladies... Mrs. Bucura-Oprescu is the president of the Administration Committee of the Romanian Parliament and has clear experience in this area and Mrs. Natalia Intotero has been a minister for a period of time, she was also Secretary of State with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she is also the current chairwoman of the Education Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, so two ladies with both political and parliamentary activity," said PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu at the party's headquarters.

The two ministerial positions became vacant after the resignation of Gabriela Firea from the Ministry of Family and Marius Budai from the Ministry of Labour.



Natalia Intotero was minister for Diaspora in the D?ncil? Government and secretary of state in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the Ponta government. He is in his third parliamentary term from the PSD. Since December 2020, he heads the Education Committee in the Chamber of Deputies.


Simona Bucura-Oprescu is the president of the Commission for public administration and territorial development in the Chamber of Deputies. She was elected parliamentarian for Arge? on the PSD lists first in 2012, then in 2016 and 2020. Her name was also rumoured for the Ministry of Labor in the rotational government in June, but the PSD leadership then preferred Marius Budai to continue his mandate .

