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Statistics: Household income and expenditure in Quarter II 2014 - Family Budget Survey (ABF)

In Quarter II 2014, the total monthly average income of the population, per household, was of 2452 lei; the average money income represented 85.1%. The total monthly average expenditure per household was of 2210 lei; the average consumption expenditure represented 72.5%.



According to the results of the Family Budget Survey, in the second quarter of 2014, the total monthly average income was, in nominal terms, of 2452 lei per household and of 919 lei per person. The money income was of 2087 lei monthly on average per household (782 lei per person) and the in kind income of 365 lei monthly per household (137 lei per person). The wages and the other related income constituted the most important source of income (51.2% of the total household income).


The following also contributed to the formation of the household total income: social provisions income (24.4%), agriculture income (3.9%), non-agricultural independent activities income (2.4%)

and property and household asset sale income (1.4%). An important weight also holds the in-kind

income (14.9%), mainly the equivalent consumption value of the agro-food products from own

resources (13.2%).


Differences of level and especially of structure between household incomes were registered based

on the residential area. Thus, in Quarter II 2014, the total average income per household from

urban area was 33.9% greater than of households from rural and 12.4% greater than of the entire

households. In the urban area, household income came 63.5% from wages, 23.6% from social

provisions, the in-kind income being 7.3% of the total. In the rural area, the main income source

was the agricultural production that provided 36.3% of the total income. The most part of it (26.6%

of the total income) was represented by the equivalent value of the consumption of agro-food

products from own resources, the money income from agriculture providing 9.7% of the rural

household income. An important contribution to the rural household income had also the salary

income (30.0%) and the social provisions income (25.8%).




In Quarter II 2014, the total expenditure of the population was roughly of 2210 lei per month per


household (828 lei per person) and was 90.1% of the total income. Some characteristics as to the size and the structure of the total consumption expenditure are determined by the residential area. Consequently, while the monthly average consumption expenditure is 429 lei greater with urban households than with rural ones, the food consumption expenditure is only 47 lei. This is a result of the fact that in rural area 42.3% of the food consumption expenditure represents the equivalent value of the consumption from own resources.


For the urban households, the food consumption from own resources covered 18.7% of the food consumption expenditure. According to the standard classification of the consumption expenditure by use (COICOP), food and soft drinks roughly held 41.3% of the household consumption in Quarter II 2014.


A consumption component, with a relatively high weight as to the expenditure, is related to the

dwelling (water, thermal energy, electricity, gas, fuel, furniture and the endowment and keeping of

the dwelling). In Quarter II 2014, it represented 19.5% of the consumption expenditure. The most

part of the expenditure with the dwelling was represented by heating and utilities consumption

(15.6%). On the opposite were the household expenditure with hotels, cafes and restaurants

(1.5%) and those with the education (0.5%).

