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The German embassy: we support the efforts of the authorities for criminal investigation in the fight against corruption

The German embassy in Bucharest supports the efforts of the authorities for criminal investigation in Romania in the fight against corruption and follows ‘ with great interest’ the attempts to place such efficient activities of those institutions ‘ on a modified basis’.

‘The embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany supports the continuous efforts of the authorities for prosecution in the fight against corruption. They represent the expression of those commitments assumed by Romania which are among the main principles of the European community of right and rule of law. From this point of view, they have the duty in the MCV as well. The national parliaments must be an example as regards the protection and the maintenance of these principles’ said on Friday at the request of Mediafax the diplomatic mission after the amendments proposed to the criminal code and the criminal procedure code appeared.

‘ According to our opinion, it is important that crime is fought against and sanctioned efficiently and the activity of the institutions meant to support the rule of law take place without any restrictions’ the embassy said.

In this context, the German Embassy to Bucharest says that they follow’ with great attention’ the attempts to place the efficient activity of the Romanian prosecution authorities on a modified basis’ ‘ These can have a definite impact on the evaluation of Romania in the MCV’ the German embassy said.

The reaction of the German embassy comes after that of the embassy of the UK and the US as a result of the initiative of some PSD deputies to amend the criminal procedure code and the criminal code which includes the idea that preventive measures can be disposed only if ‘ there is concrete evidence that beyond any doubt the person commited the crime’.



Monday, May 11, 2015