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The government debt was in March 51.9% of GDP

General government debt (general government debt) in March 2024 climbed to RON 845.098 billion from RON 841.292 billion in the previous month, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance (MoF).


As a percentage of GDP, government debt increased to 51.9%, from 51.7% in January (GDP as per the National Institute of Statistics release dated June 7, 2024).


In the third month of the year, medium- and long-term debt increased to MDL 795.023 billion from MDL 786.851 billion in February, while short-term debt fell to MDL 50.075 billion from MDL 54.441 billion in the previous month.


The bulk of this debt, 695.566 billion lei, was government securities. Borrowing amounted to RON 113.692 billion.

The debt in national currency was worth 382.502 billion lei, that in euro 355.513 billion lei equivalent, and the debt in American dollars at 84.147 billion equivalent lei.

Central government debt had also reached RON 823.396 billion in March 2024, up from RON 820.105 billion in February, of which RON 773.353 billion was medium and long-term. Most of the central government debt was contracted in lei (RON 382.502 billion) and in euro (RON 355.513 billion equivalent).


Local general government debt rose to RON 21.702 billion from RON 21.187 billion in the previous month, of which RON 21.669 billion medium and long-term.


At the same time, general government domestic debt amounted to RON 411.076 billion (25.2% of GDP) in March 2024, of which RON 394.231 billion was central government debt and RON 16.845 billion local government debt.


According to MF data, the general government external debt amounted to RON 434.021 billion (26.6% of GDP), of which RON 429.164 billion was central government external debt and RON 4.857 billion was local government external debt.

