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USR, Right Force MPs table simple motion on Education

Leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) MPs Ionut Mosteanu tabled on Monday in the Chamber of Deputies the simple motion "A minister who lies cannot manage education."

"The USR group together with the MPs from the Right Force are tabling a simple motion titled 'A minister who lies cannot manage education,' a motion against Ligia Deca," said Mosteanu, during the Chamber of Deputies meeting.

Before the plenary session, USR senator Stefan Palarie and independent deputy Alexandru Kocsis announced, during a press conference, that this motion calls for the resignation of minister Ligia Deca.

"Today we will file with the Chamber of Deputies a simple motion against the minister who has to take a resit, Ligia Deca, a minister who has become a millstone of death for everything that happens in Romanian education, and this is known by her government colleagues and by Prime Minister Ciolacu. One calendar year would have been enough for the minister to resign at least three times. A resignation for the catastrophic results of the PISA tests and for her attempt to measure these results, conveniently choosing only the figures she wants. I would like to inform Ms. Ligia Deca that Romania is currently striving to join the OECD and that it is a public shame to falsify an eight-page international report by choosing only what you like from that text," Senator Stefan Palarie told a press conference held at Parliament.
