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Victor Negrescu and Nicolae Stefanuta elected vicepresidents of European Parliament

Romanian European deputies Victor Negrescu (S&D) and Nicolae Stefanuta (Green) were elected vicepresidents of the European Parliament on Tuesday.Victor Negrescu obtained 394 votes and Nicolae Stefanuta 347 votes in the first voting round.


11 of the 14 positions of EP vicepresidents were occupied in the first voting round.

The other European deputies elected EP vicepresidents in the first round are Sabine Verheyen (604 votes), Ewa Lopacz (572 votes), Esteban Gonzales Pons (478), Katarina Barley (450), Pina Picierno (405), Martin Hojsik (393), Christel Schaldemose (378), Javi Lopez (377) and Sophie Wilmes (371).


In the second round, where the other three free positions left were disputed, was supposed to begin at 18.00 local time(16.00 GMT). Candidates were Klara Dostalova, Fabrice Leggeri, Younous Omarjee, Antonella Sberna, Ewa Zajaczkowska-Hernik and Robert Zile.


Also on Tuesday, Matese Eurodeputy Roberta Metsola, member of the European Popular Party was re-elected president of the European Parliament for the next 2.5 years.


Metsola, who held that position following David Sassoli's death in January 2022 obtaineed 562 votes of the 623 ones expressed. The Spanish Irene Montero, from the European Left also ran for the EP presidency, obtaining 61 votes.


The five EP quaestors will be elected on Wednesday, when the number of EP commission members will be established. The results will be announced on July 19.
