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Young people continue to be affected by unemployment and the low quality of job offers

Young people continue to be affected by unemployment, the low quality of job offers and limited access to instruction, while the Covid 19 pandemic contributed to deepening these problems, the Youth Progress Report 2021 study, which fully covers 150 countries, Romania included and 18 other countries partially.


The study brings to the attention of decision makers a vulnerability of deep roots in global society – the young people's access to the labor market, to real learning opportunities and personal development. A vulnerability which got worse, instead of being reduced, in the Covid 19 pandemic.


Monica Tariuc, global director of Employer Services Deloitte Romania, analyzes conclusions of the study and Romania position in the global top made based on a set of 58 social and environment indicators which determine the level of life quality for young people in the countries analyzed, so that they represent a very useful instrument for decision makers, responsible for the elaboration of policies with impact on this generation.

Romania, ranked 45th out of 150 countries analyzed, is mentioned with some positive aspects, but is still at the bottom of the top for many chapters, compared to the other European states, Deloitte representatives say.


In 2021, the highest score – the Youth Progress Index was obtained by Norway – 95.8 points out of 100 possible, while Sudan is at the opposite pole with 20 points.


Romania, 45thout of 150 countries analyzed, with a general score of 73.67, is over the global average, but sensibly under the European one (85.81). Romania is mentioned with a few positive aspects, but for many chapters it is still in the lower parts of the European classification. For instance, it is placed next to Croatia and Holland, among countries with the possibility to offer good quality lidgings for young people, considering that they own the necessary economic means. On the other hand, it is in the lower part for indicators such as drinking water supply

and sewerage, access to basic indicators such as drinking water access and inclusion,” Deloitte Romania shows.


The makers of the study, who analysed data available in the last ten years, remark the fact that young people continue to be affected at least by the financial crisis since 2008, by the low quality of job offers and the limited access to instruction. The pandemic contributed to deepening those problems – unemployment among young people went up from 13% in 2019 to 16.5% in 2020, two times more rapidly than adults (from 5.5% in 2019 to 7% in 2020). And that is not the only problem.The study says that of the 429 million working young people , about 55 million (13%) suffer from extreme poverty, while 71 millions (17%) live in moderate poverty. Moreover, the fact that three out of four young workers in the whole world lived in the informal world “, the document mentions.


According to Deloitte specialists, GDP is not the only determining factor for the young people's progress. Big score differences among show that political decisions countries with similar GDP levels sh0w that political decisions have huge impact.


For instance, New Zealand (91.7) has a score similar to Singapore (88.91), but a per capita GDP half of that level. On the other hand, New Zealand has a better score than Bahrain (67.21) and a similar level of GDP. From these comparisons important data can be obtained, and they can be at the basis of identifying the best practices in the field and of elaborating efficient policies,”the analysis mentions.


In EU, young people benefit from better living conditions than the world average, all 27 member states being classified in the first third in the world. However, two out of three youths under 24, participants in the survey quoted in the study, want their country to concentrate on improving social results.


Young people are not hope for a better future, but they are and have been the only solution,”the Deloitte Romania analysis shows.
