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Tourism: MKOR study: Romanians and summer vacations: budgets 40% higher than in 2023

In a context where vacations are becoming increasingly necessary for emotional balance and general well-being, 3 out of 4 Romanians plan to go on vacation in the next three months, according to the MKOR study "Tourism Market - Summer Vacation 2024." The study, carried out for the first time in 2017, offers valuable perspectives on the travel trends and preferences of Romanians, according to a press release sent to the editors.


According to the press release, interest in summer vacations is similar to that of 2017, and the months of July (33%) and August (37%) remain Romanians' favorites for holidays. Local destinations are as sought after as international ones, reflecting the desire to explore both local and international attractions.


Although 20% of Romanians declare that they go on vacation less often than once a year, for financial reasons, the majority consider vacations a priority and plan their vacations to enjoy memorable experiences with their loved ones.


Preferred destinations and criteria for choosing them


Romanians are conservative in their choice of holiday destinations: 6 out of 10 respondents choose to return to locations they have visited before, with an average of 3 visits to the same destination. Generations Z and X are distinguished by a more pronounced tendency to explore new destinations.


This summer, Romanians will travel both in the country and abroad. The Romanian coast attracts almost half of those who choose to stay in the country (44%), especially Constan?a and Mamaia.


Urban tourism is an option for 1 out of 5 respondents, and areas with traditional characteristics, such as Bucovina and Moldova, are sought after by 14% of Romanians. The mountain attracts only 10% of tourists.


Among international destinations, Greece continues to be the most sought after (31%), followed by Bulgaria (16%), Italy (14%) and Turkey (13%).

Exploring tourist attractions is the most important criterion in choosing a vacation destination for 1 in 4 four respondents. The top is completed by price (18%), landscape and clean air (15%), and child-friendly destination (10%).


The chosen periods and the company


The preferred months for summer vacations are July (33%) and August (38%), the peak season being concentrated in these periods. Parents plan their vacations according to their children's school holidays and opt more for the beginning or end of summer.


Vacations of a maximum of one week (4-7 days) are preferred by 60% of the respondents. Circuits are becoming more and more popular, 3 out of 10 Romanian tourists plan stays of 8-14 days.


Most Romanians travel in small groups: 45% will go on vacation with another person, and 21% choose to travel in groups of three.


Romanians' budgets for the 2024 summer vacation


The average budget allocated for this year's summer vacation is approximately 1,000 euros, similar to that of the summer of 2017. However, 4 out of 10 respondents estimate that they will spend more than this amount for their planned vacation. People aged between 28-43, men and residents of the central and western areas of the country tend to allocate larger budgets for vacations.


The share of those who allocated a larger budget for the summer vacation in 2024, compared to last year, increased compared to 2017. Thus, 43% of respondents (compared to 32% in 2017) estimate an increase in the budget compared to last year , with an average increase of 40%.


"The MKOR study highlights the preferences and trends of Romanians for summer vacations in 2024. When planning their stay, Romanians look for a balance between cultural experiences, relaxation and practical considerations such as the budget. They are willing to break from their daily routine for at least a week, which to spend it in the company of the family or a small group of people in familiar locations.

I'm glad to see that there is this tendency to prioritize moments of relaxation and to invest in them, which suggests that vacations are no longer a luxury, but a necessity for our emotional and physical well-being", said Cori Cimpoca, founder of MKOR .

The complete study can be found here: - https://mkor.ro/studii/studiu-mkor-piata-de-turism-2024/
