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Tourism: Turda saline, partner in a 9-million-lei project in spa tourism


Forum Group, in partnership with Durgau Turda Saline, the Eco-Energy Association and the Romanian Business Consultancy Association (ACAR) launched 'Workcall' project, worth 9 million lei, devoted to the professional training in jobs associated to spa tourism, Forum Group representatives inform.

The project is co-funded from the European Social Fund, the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, 'Invest in people,' and is carried out over an 18-month period (April 2014 - October 2015).

The general objective of the project is to facilitate access to jobs for persons from vulnerable groups and includes coaching activities devoted to a number of 400 persons, for motivating the vulnerable groups and retraining for 900 persons.

'Workcall is carried out in the areas Muntenia-South, Bucharest-Ilfov and North-West. In Turda Saline, it is aimed at making the treatment facility operational, by equipping it and by training some of the people who will work there,' Project Manager Daniela Visoianu shows in a release remitted to Agerpres.

Two centres for social inclusion will be setup within the project, one in Bucharest and another in Turda, which will supply information and counselling.

The project also provides information, counselling and professional orientation services for a number of 1,000 persons belonging to vulnerable groups (100 women, 400 Roma ethnics, 400 persons with disabilities, 100 young persons over 18, leaving the children protection institutionalised service.

