Gas producers must sell quota on exchange from July 1
Natural gas producers will have to sell a quota of their production on the exchange starting on July 1; the same will apply to natural gas suppliers from 2015, Minister Delegate for Energy Razvan Nicolescu announced on Wednesday.
'In today's Cabinet meeting we have passed fiver important measures concerning the energy sector. (...) They concern the establishing of some obligation for the natural gas producers and suppliers, which have to sell on the exchange some quotas to be set by the regulatory authority in the next days. Thus, starting on July 1, the natural gas producers Petrom, Romgaz and Amroco will have to trade some of their production on the exchange, in a transparent and non-discriminatory way,' the minister explained.
He added that the same obligation would apply from 2014 to the natural gas suppliers, including for the possible gas imports.
'We think this is a very good step for the market and the consumers. Romania's gas market will have a benchmark price. The move is also a part of the agreement between the Romanian Government and the international financial institutions. It is a part of our past and current agreement with the IMF and the other institutions. We also think that it is highly beneficial to the natural gas market of Romania,' Nicolescu declared.