Hidroelectrica wants to invest over 170 million lei in the retechnologisation of the Bradisor hydro-power station
The state run company Hidroelectrica, one of the biggest energy producers in the country, wants to invest 170.37 million lei in the re-technologisation of the Bradisor hydro-power station.The topic will be placed under approval of the AGM of the Shareholders on 4th March.
This re-technologisation aims at the CHE Bradisor functioning under conditions of safety for the next 30 years, as well as the increase of the hydro-equipment output by almost 2% against the output in the initial project.
Hidroelectrica is the biggest renewable electricity producer in Romania, the main supplier of auxiliary services and with an important role in connection to the security of the National System of Energy (SEN). In 2019, Hidroelectrica produced 15.2TWh in the 209 hydro-power stations with a total installed capacity of 6.4 GW. With a turnover of 873 million euro, EBITDA of 613 million euro and a net profit of 290 million euro, Hidroelectrica is one of the biggest and most profitable state –run companies in Romania.