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Shale gas issue to be positively and carefully solved, says PM Ponta

he issue of exploiting shale gas must be 'carefully and positively' solved, even if it is not very popular, said PM Victor Ponta for a TV show on Friday night.

'I know a lot of people will take attitude, but the issue of shale gas must be positively and carefully solved,' explained the PM.

The prospecting to find bituminous shale, necessary to exploit shale gas, is a priority project of the energy sector, in 2013, according to the Ruling Programme for 2013-2016. Romania has an important position in Europe and in the south-east region due to its resources of natural gas and shale gas, reason for which they should be exploited, said OMV executive chairman Gerhard Roiss in November 2012, who participated in OMV European Media Summit.

'Exploiting shale gas is the cheapest way to reduce carbon emissions. That is why the gas deposits are crucial for Europe. If there are shale gas deposits, they should be exploited. Technologies must be developed, and the US and China are already doing it. Europe must have a position in this context. I believe Romania has an important position in Europe and can have a major role in the future if it can contribute to supply with its gas in the Black Sea. Same as with the shale gas,' said Gerhard Roiss.

On the other hand, some NGOs representatives claim the method of exploiting shale gas is not mastered enough to avoid the risk of earthquakes and the alteration of underground water. There is no clear information as to the impact on soil, which means vegetation and fauna, according to the representatives of the Environment Coalition in Romania.
