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The law which modifies the provisions regarding the mining fee for resources and natural mineral waters exploitation promulgated

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Friday the normative document for the amendment and completion of the law of mines 85/2003, sends the Presidential Administration.


This amends the law of mines in the sense that a percentage of 80% of each mining fee owed to the state budget be transferred to the local authorities on whose administrative territory the exploitation is. Out of this percentage, 55% goes to the local budget of the country and 25% to the local budgets of the locality.’The mining fee for natural mineral waters is established at the source, in the equivalent of lei of four euro/thousand litres at the BNR exchange rate on the day of the payment’, the legislative initiative says.


In this sense, the mining fee is defined as being’ the sum due according to the law by the holder for the concession/administration of the activities of exploitation of the mineral resources, goods of the stat public domain’ according to the draft adopted by the deputies on Tuesday.


At the same time, ‘ the mining fee for natural mineral waters is established at the source, in the equivalent in lei of four euro/1,000 litres, at the BNR exchange rate on the day of payment’ according to the law initiative.


The mining fee is considered income to the state budget with the exception of the fee included for activities of exploitation for the resources and natural mineral waters carbonated or not.


By exemption from art.307 (2) from the Emergency Ordnance of the government no.57/2019 regarding the Administrative Code with amendments and future completions, the mining fee obtained by concession from activities of exploitation of the ground resources and natural mineral water, carbonated or not is considered income as follows: a) 35% to the local budget of the respective county; b) 45% to the local budget of the locality; 20% to the state budget ‘ the quoted source says.


On 4th December 2017 the Senate adopted the draft as first decision-making forum, and on 3rd November the vote of the chamber was decisive.
