The minister of the environment: mining could not be limited for the local community to work places
Mining, from the point of view of benefits for the local communities, cannot be limited to work places, as there is an impact on the environment at the local level, the minister of environment Attila Korod says, in an interview offered to Mediafax.
Minister Attila Korodi at the third mandate as the leader of the ministry of environment, spoke about his priorities for this year amongh which a ‘ revival’ of the Fund for the Environment which could finance other projects than the ones at present.
Korodi wants to support the economic agents who use recyclable waste as there are deficiencies in the case of glass and paper manufacturing, which makes unprofitable their separate collection. In the domain of waste, Korodi wants to regulate the management of those in constructions and to impose responsibilities for those who generate them.
In connection to the programme Casa Verde, financed from the Fund for the Environemnt, Korodi said that this year payments will be made for the 15,000 demands from the previous financing sessions and it is likely a new session be organised, the last taking place in 2011.
Korodi spoke about the European financing and the issues of this area, especially as regards the implementation of the systems of drinkable water and sewage in each locality, showing that Romania would need 12 billion euro for the period of programmes 2014 – 2020.
On the other hand, Korodi announced that he works with the ministry of agriculture to estimate the costs for compensating payments to those who have forests and other land on the sites Natura 2000, where there are restrictions of exploitation out of the money coming from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Korodi showed that the ministry he leads will have a say about the Rosia Montana project after implementing the tasks given by the special commission of the parliament which rejected the law proposed by the government regarding the mining project. Asked if the project could be rejected by the non-approval of the environment agreement, he said ‘ I don’t comment. If our decision is no, it is no’.
As regards the exploitation of shale gas, Korodi said that the ministry of environment did what he had to do, by saying that hydraulic fracturing is not used and it depends on the companies to cooperate with the local communities to succeed.
The minister of environment appreciated as an issue the fact that the projects with impact on the environment, such as the mining ones, the local communities do not get more than some salaries, the income going to the state.