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Senate: a new postponement of the meeting for the criminal investigation request of Titus Corlatean

The meeting of the Standing Office of the Senate summoned for the DNA request for criminal investigation of the PSD senator Titus Corlatean, former minister of foreign affairs could not take place on Monday before the necessary quorum was not made, and a new meeting of the leadership was programmed for next Monday.

The National Anticorruption Department required the Senate of Romania to agree with the criminal investigation for Titus Corlatean, former minister of foreign affairs, in the File Diaspora for abuse in office and prevention of electoral rights which he committed while in ministerial position.

The senate postponed the discussion of the DNA request as the meeting on Tuesday of the Standing office did not have the necessary number of present members, the reason being that many members are on electoral campaign.

‘In the context of presidential elections organisation of 2014 as minister of foreign affairs Corlatean Titus, by breaching the legal procedures and by disposition acts organised the polling stations abroad, thus getting an undue advantage for the proposed candidate and supported by the party he was part of. The undue advantage for another meant the limitation of the number of Romanian citizens who could exercise their right of vote abroad’ DNA said in a press conference.

Corlatean resigned between the two rounds of the presidential elections of 2014, showing that he could not set up new polling stations abroad.
