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Most entrepreneurs are former workers: Annually, only 3.5% of the new businesses are set up by former managers

Approximately two thirds (62%) of the newly set up businesses in a year are created by former qualified and non-qualified workers, a third (34.5%)are set up by engineers and only 3.5% belong to the former managers, according to the data published by the National Institute for Statistics.

‘We have multiple examples of employees who have their own business; a worker has a boarding house and a shop, a former trade union leader, a technician has a tourism agency, an engineer has a software business together with his son and recently a worker who worked as a driver resigned to have his own business in the domain of transport. We had a mechanisation manager who had his window panes company made.’ said Nicu Durau, human resources& general affairs with the aluminium producer Alro Slatina and Alrum Tulcea, companies which have together 3,200 employees.

He also mentioned that the employees are encourages to get into entrepreneurship and the fact that they have a stable work place and a fixed income which allows them to get credit for an initial investment and thus they feel encouraged to get into business.

Annually, there are almost 100,000 new companies, according to the data from the Trade Registrar, and the total ‘ balance’ reached 630,000 active companies.

In1995, the year with the oldest statistics regarding the distribution of the new companies depending on the previous profession of the entrepreneur, 83% of the new companies were set up by former workers ( and out of these 61% were set up by non-qualified workers), 16.5% by those with technical professions and only 0.5% by former managers. In 2012 the share of the managers turned into entrepreneurs was very high, reaching 6.2%.

Usually, a part of the those who enter into entrepreneurship copy the business model of the company they work for or become suppliers of the former employers. At the same time, there are situations where Romanian migrants who worked abroad for several years started when coming back, a business in the same domain where they worked abroad.
