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20,000 state jobs have been put on the market since the beginning of the year 

Hiring exploded in August as nearly 5,000 public sector jobs were posted. Public sector employers have put nearly 20,000 jobs on the market this year, with the best month in 2024 being August, when candidates had 5,000 job openings, double the number of April, the second best month of the year, and eight times more than in January, when about 600 jobs were available.


The largest state employer was the health system, with almost 7,500 open positions in hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums or health departments. Next there are the educational institutions,  which had 5,300 jobs posted, according to data from Jobradar24.ro, the website with the most diverse jobs in Romania, which is part of the eJObs.ro portfolio.


The government was, up to this moment, the third largest employer in this sector, with 5,000 jobs.


'It looks like September will be the same - we are already experiencing 200 positions open in just two days. If things continue as they are, 2024 will most  likely end above the level of 2023. There is no surprise as this year there are four rows of elections, which is a first that will certainly influence the evolution of the number of employees from the state apparatus' , says Bogdan Badea, CEO of eJObs.ro, the largest online recruitment platform in Romania.


The data also show that Bucharest dominates the national ranking of state employment, with 3,500 jobs open for candidates. Cluj occupies the second place, with 1,200 jobs posted by public institutions, followed by Timis, with just over 900 jobs and Iasi, with almost 900. The least employed were in Giurgiu (142 jobs) and Caras Severin counties (149 jobs.)Under 200 positions were opened in Covasna and Olt.

More than half of the available jobs went to candidates from the while collar segment, that is, those candidates with higher education. Almost 9,000 jobs were for blue collar (no higher education) and gray collar candidates. The latter refer to occupations which combine aspects of both office work (specific to the white collar segment) and physical work (specific to the blue collar segment)' says Bogdan Badea.


One special thing about the state apparaturs is connected to the type of contracts concluded with employees, namely 90% of the contracts are permanent. The number of temporary ones is approximately 2,000.


This is one of the arguments that more and more candidates use when they want to make the transition from a private employer to a state one. Adding to the desire for stability is the fact that , in the last year, salary increases were recorded for budget officers who, for certain positions, generated higher income than in the private sector' says Bogdan Badea. Thus, for 2024, 10% increases in basis salaries were established for staff in fields such as research, culture,  diplomacy, environmental protection, central public administration and in institutions financed entirely from own revenues.


At the beginning of the year, the number of filled positions in the public sector was almost 1.3 million.


At the moment, on eJobs.ro, the largest recruitment platform in Romania, there are 24,000 available jobs.
