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B9 defence ministers to meet in Bucharest in September

The defence ministers from the states member of the Bucharest Format [or Bucharest Nine or B9] will meet in Bucharest in September, according to a decision approved on Wednesday by the Government.

"There are 55 participants invited to the meeting, dignitaries from the member states, plus ambassadors and defense attaches accredited to Bucharest from the same states, and officials representing national defence authorities, totaling around 100 persons," reads a press release by the Executive.

The B9 meetings take place periodically at head of state, foreign affairs and defence minister level as "opportunities for harmonisation" of the national standpoints of the members states on items included with the agenda of the NATO summits and meetings.

"Launched at the initiative of Romania and Poland in 2015, the Bucharest 9 (B0) format offers a platform for strengthening dialogue and cooperation between Allies on the Eastern Flank of NATO: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Hungary, with a view to shaping the specific contribution of these states to the ongoing processes at the level of the North Atlantic Alliance, based on their experience and expertise and on their common security interests," mentioned the same source.

