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2024 LOCAL ELECTIONS/Partial results for mayors: PSD - 37.63%; PNL - 32.27%; AUR - 6.38%


The Social Democratic Party (PSD) obtained 37.63% of the votes for the positions of mayor, the National Liberal Party (PNL) - 32.27% and the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) - 6.38%, according to the partial results presented on Wednesday by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC).

The spokesperson for the BEC, Anamaria Revnic-Calugarita, announced that, following the centralization at national level of 97.23% of the 3,186 electoral constituencies, the degree of participation in voting was 51.12%, the total number of valid votes cast is 7,511,415, representing 96.63% of the number of those who went to the polls.

According to the centralization of the votes for the position of mayor, the situation is as follows:

* The Social Democratic Party obtained 37.63% (2,826,469 votes);

* The National Liberal Party recorded 32.27% (2,424,172 votes);

* Alliance for the Union of Romanians won 6.38% (479,379 votes);

* United Right Alliance USR - PMP - Forta Dreptei obtained 4.66% (350,143 votes);

* The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania received 4.36% (327,435 votes);

* Independent candidates got 3.72% at the national level (279,295 votes).




Friday, June 14, 2024