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Consultations between Ireland and Romania on military cooperation


 The Secretary of State for Defense Policy, Planning and International Relations, Simona Cojocaru, made a working visit to Ireland from Tuesday to Thursday, where she had bilateral consultations with Jacqui McCrum, the Secretary General of the Department of Defense, the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) informs.

On the agenda of the discussions were regional and European security developments, in the context of the Russian Federation's war of aggression in Ukraine, the support offered by the international community for this state, cooperation within the EU, developments at the level of the Common Defense and Security Policy, respectively the perspectives of initiating a more in-depth cooperation at the bilateral level.

According to MApN, in the context, the importance of partnerships was marked from the perspective of the results of the NATO Summit in Madrid, the NATO-EU strategic partnership and its importance for Euro-Atlantic security.

Cojocaru highlighted the opening of the Ministry of National Defense for the development of bilateral cooperation in the political-military field, on coordinates of interest for both sides.

The visit to Dublin also included meetings with Charles Flanagan, the chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs and Defense in the Irish Parliament, respectively David Bruck, the director general of the Security Policy Directorate of the Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the MApN also states.

(Photo: https://armed.mapn.ro/)



Monday, December 19, 2022