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Kathleen Kavalec, confirmed by the American Senate for the position of ambassador of the US to Romania

Kathleen Ann Kavalec was confirmed on Thursday by the American Senate for the position of ambassador of the US to Romania, according to Romania’s ambassador to Washington, Andrei Muraru

The plenary of the American Senate confirmed on Thursday the future ambassador of the US to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec. There is only one step, a formal one, the swearing in’ wrote the Romanian diplomat on Facebook, referring to the announcement on Twitter of the US Senate regarding the vote.

Kathleen Ann Kavalec, a career member of the High Foreign Affairs Service with the rank of Minister-Counselor, served as Head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, having been seconded from the State Department since 2019, According to a presentation that was made public when the White House announced in early June its intention to nominate the diplomat as Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Romania.

Previously, Kavalec occupied the position of deputy subsecretary with the Office for European and EuroAsian Affairs of the State Department. Before that, Kavalec was manager of the Office for Russian Affairs and deputy head of the Mission of the US to UNESCO in Paris.

Kavalec supervised important programmes for foreign assistance of the US as deputy coordinator for assistance with the European Office and director for conflict prevention with the Office of the coordinator for reconstruction and stabilization.

Among the other Kavalec’s missions abroad there is that of officer for cultural affairs with the US embassy to Bucharest, political advisor at the US embassy in Kiev and political officer at the US embassy in Moscow.

Originary for California, Kavalec graduated from political sciences in the Berkeley California University and got a master degree in foreign services with the Georgetown University in Washington, DC. She speaks Romania, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian.




Monday, December 19, 2022