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Cross-border cooperation in the Danube-Cris-Mures-Tisa Euroregion marked by the opening of the Triplex Confinium border crossing point

From Thursday to Sunday, the Triplex Confinium border crossing point at Beba Veche, where the three neighbouring countries Romania, Serbia and Hungary share a common border point, will be open, marking through administrative-cultural programmes the cross-border cooperation within the Danube-Cris-Mures-Tisa Euroregion (DKMT), a beautiful annual tradition and a message of good neighbourliness.


After the festivities at the Triplex Confinium border, the General Assembly of the Danube-Cris-Mures-Tisa Regional Cooperation will meet in Sannicolau Mare, where the DKMT member county authorities will present their development projects and their results in the field of cross-border infrastructure. The meeting will also approve projects implemented by the DKMT Euroregional Development Agency.
Keeping the tradition established a decade ago, on this occasion there will be awarded prizes for four cross-border projects, which were implemented on the territory of the DKMT Euro-region.

Almost two decades ago, the most important project launched in DKMT joint meetings referred to the building of a great industrial complex, in the Triplex Confinium area, in order to create work places and represent an economic materialization of the discussions, but funds always lacked.

