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US Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec at the Black Sea Defense and Aerospace Trade Show

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Prime Minister Ciolacu,
Ministers, Chief of Defense,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Buna dimineata – good morning!


It is a pleasure to be here for the 2024 edition of the Black Sea Defense and Aerospace Show. My sincere thanks to the Romanian Ministry of National Defense for the invitation to speak here today, and to ROMAREO for hosting such an important event.


Against the backdrop of conflict in the Black Sea region, this week’s show is both timely and critical. As today’s events and meetings begin, I’ve come here to say, as I’ve done on many occasions, that the United States remains a key partner of Romania in defense and security.


Our two countries share a deep-rooted bond forged on common values and unwavering commitment to democratic principles. We stand united in our belief in freedom and democracy. These shared values are the bedrock of our relationship, guiding our cooperation across various endeavors, including defense and security.

Indeed, Romania's National Security Strategy aptly captures the essence of our partnership, recognizing the transatlantic partnership with the United States as one of three essential security pillars, alongside NATO and the European Union.


This strategic alignment underscores the depth and breadth of our cooperation, which extends beyond traditional security concerns to encompass energy security, economic development, and cultural exchange.

At this moment, we confront unprecedented challenges, including Putin’s illegal war of aggression in Ukraine. In the face of this aggression, America’s and Romania’s support for Ukraine has never wavered.


As Secretary Blinken stated last week in Kyiv, the United States will support Ukraine’s defense and security across a range of essential capabilities. And throughout this conflict, Romania has continued to provide humanitarian assistance and facilitate the transit of grains and other essential supplies.


Romania’s commitment to regional stability extends beyond Ukraine, as it actively supports security measures throughout the Black Sea region.


Romania’s support for its regional neighbors is a testament to its dedication to upholding democratic principles and ensuring a peaceful and stable Europe.

In defense cooperation, Romania has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to strengthening its capabilities and working closely with the United States and our NATO allies.


For years, Romania has committed to investing 2% of its GDP to defense and in 2023 increased that pledge to 2.5%. On behalf of all NATO allies, we commend Romania for this commitment to our collective defense.


Credible defense requires more than expensive hardware, and we applaud Romania’s ongoing investments in personnel, training, and participation in numerous joint and multinational exercises. These ongoing investments in both personnel and equipment demonstrate Romania’s resolve to safeguard its national security and contribute to the collective protection of the NATO Alliance.


The United States recognizes Romania's strategic importance and remains committed to providing the necessary support to enhance its defense capabilities. We are actively engaged in joint defense initiatives across all domains, including land, sea, air, space, cyber, and special operations forces.


Looking ahead, the United States-Romania partnership will play an even more critical role in enhancing regional stability and advancing our shared values. We are confident that our collaboration will continue to flourish, fostering innovation, promoting economic growth, and safeguarding the democratic ideals that bind us together.


The strong American participation in this year’s BSDA demonstrates the importance of this partnership. This week’s show features over fifty U.S. exhibitors and participants with industry-leading technology and innovative solutions. I encourage all attendees to visit their booths and engage with their representatives to learn more about the advanced technologies and services they offer.

By stopping by the American industry booths, you will have the opportunity to witness firsthand the latest innovations in the defense and aerospace industries.

From unmanned systems, advanced communications technologies, and state-of-the-art weaponry to navigation systems, aircraft, tanks, and more, there is no shortage of exciting displays to see.


Beyond the impressive displays, this event also offers a unique opportunity to connect with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest. Please stop by our booth in Hall C to learn how we can help you in developing mutually beneficial projects at the show and beyond.


I invite you all here to make the most of your time at BSDA, and for our American companies to develop and strengthen ties with our incredible Romanian partners. By working together, we can bolster Romania’s defense capabilities, strengthen transatlantic cooperation, and contribute to a more secure and prosperous Europe.

To our Romanian hosts, thank you again for the invitation and warm welcome. To everyone, please enjoy the show!

