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DefMin Dincu, US SecDef Austin discuss over phone Black Sea security situation

Minister of National Defence Vasile Dincu had, on Thursday, a telephone conversation with the United States Secretary of Defence, Lloyd J. Austin III, the agenda of discussions featuring the developments in the security situation in the Black Sea region, NATO's posture on the Eastern Flank, as well as expanding US presence in the region, the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) informs in a release sent on Friday morning.

Minister Dincu emphasized the necessity to consolidate the Allied posture on the entire NATO eastern flank, especially in the Black Sea region, as a defensive formula to ensure the security of the allies and to discourage aggressive action.

"In this sense, the need, more than ever, for a coherent, unitary and balanced approach as part of the forward presence of the Alliance on the eastern flank was expressed. Furthermore, the Romanian dignitary hailed the announcement by President Biden regarding the US' determination in deploying additional forces in Eastern Europe, including for the support of security and defence of Romania," MApN shows.

According to the source, at the end of the phone call, Minister Dincu expressed his appreciation towards the effort and involvement of the US Defence Secretary in defining and ensuring the implementation of Washington's additional commitment to support the consolidation of Allied presence in Romania and reaffirmed Romania's determination in regards to consolidating the Strategic Partnership between the two countries and implementing the effort lines agreed upon in the roadmap regarding US - Romania defence cooperation in the 2020-2030 period.



Friday, January 28, 2022