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President Iohannis, French Minister of Armed Forces discuss Strategic Partnership, NATO, EU agenda, security developments

President Klaus Iohannis met at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace on Thursday France's Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly, who is paying an official visit to Romania.

The Presidential Administration shows in a release that, during the meeting, the two approached topics on the stage of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and France and its development prospects, with a focus on the defence component, the NATO and the EU agenda, as well as the recent developments in the Black Sea region security area.

President Iohannis appreciated the evolution and very good results of the bilateral cooperation between Romania and France in the defence area, including during the missions carried out jointly under the aegis of NATO, EU, UN and OSCE, as well as within the multinational exercises.

Iohannis pointed out, about the security crisis in the area, that it does not only produce effects in the Black Sea region, but also affects the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic space, also underscoring the importance of unity and solidarity inside the EU and NATO.

In context, President Iohannis conveyed gratitude to France for the availability to participate in the NATO advanced military presence in Romania, as part of the allied response to the deterioration of the security environment in Eastern Europe.

In respect to the European Agenda, Iohannis voiced appreciation for the very ambitious goals set by France for the EU Council Presidency term, goals that will contribute to the continuation of the progress made in the security and defence area, and gave guarantees on Romania's support for their becoming reality.

"In the context of the diversification of the security challenges, Romania's President highlighted that the partnership between NATO and the European Union is essential for the European security and stressed the need to further consolidate it, in the spirit of complementarity and synergy of efforts," the Presidential Administration shows.

The French Minister of Armed Forces appreciated the bilateral cooperation relations with Romania and underscored France's interest in continuing their development and diversification.

Florence Parly presented the priorities of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with a focus on the Strategic Compass, the projects under the Permanent Structured Cooperation and the Common Security and Defence Policy, the space policy and the cooperation in the area of cyber security.

The French official also highlighted the significant contribution Romania brought within the EU and NATO on the defence component, underscoring the vert good collaboration between the two states in the missions in the theatres of operations, with a focus on the participation in the joint missions on combating terrorism in the Sahel region. 




Friday, January 28, 2022