Domains where average salary is over 1,000 euro per month
The IT services, insurance, heavy industry, oil extraction and natural gas extraction, the banking sector and services for extraction are the six domains where the employees have salaries twice higher than an employee paid at average level on the economy.
In industries where average salaries are the biggest in the economy there are no non-qualified and semi-qualified workers ( as in the domain of retail, employees with cashier position or goods supplier) considers Oana Botolan Datki, SEEmanaging partner in the company with activities in the sector of human resources.
‘In the domain with average salaries of over 1,000 euro per month there are only qualified personnel, with higher education or very many years of experience in a certain domain, as well as many senior specialists, managers, team leaders or engineers whose salaries pushed the average of salaries upwards. In exchange, if we look in a factory,we see for 1,000 workers, 50 shift leaders and 3 managers. It is normal that the average goes down, being pulled to the earth by the non-qualified workers and those with the lowest execution level’ Oana Botolan Datki.
In the present format,the structure of employees in Romania shows that only 3.7% have income of over 1,000 euro per month,15% ( almost 700,000 persons)earn between 500 and 1,000 euro per month and the biggest part of the Romanian employees, namely over 80% ( over 3,7 million people) have monthly income under 500 euro per month.
In the category of lowest average salaries, under 500 euro per month, there are the employees in industry, health, education, commerce and transport, while in the salary interval of 500 – 1,000 there are employees in telecommunications,public administration and defence or those in car and part production.